Station Area Planning

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Planning for connections, development and growth in station areas is a key component of the light rail planning process.

The area within a half-mile radius or a ten-minute walk of planned light rail transit stations is commonly referred to as the “station area.” Typically, this is where investments in transit infrastructure are expected to generate the greatest community opportunities and impacts. Station area planning typically happens once a final route has been identified and engineering and design are underway.

Previous station area plans

Hennepin County led the station area planning process for the previous route and cities have been busy laying the groundwork for future stations already.

With the new route, some station area plans will remain the same, such as those in Brooklyn Park where the route is expected to remain the same. In cities like Crystal and Robbinsdale where the change in route may be less significant, some parts of the previous station area plans can be preserved while others will need to be updated. In Minneapolis where the route options are entirely new, communities will have the opportunity to develop fresh visions for station areas.

View the previous plans

Planning for connections, development and growth in station areas is a key component of the light rail planning process.

The area within a half-mile radius or a ten-minute walk of planned light rail transit stations is commonly referred to as the “station area.” Typically, this is where investments in transit infrastructure are expected to generate the greatest community opportunities and impacts. Station area planning typically happens once a final route has been identified and engineering and design are underway.

Previous station area plans

Hennepin County led the station area planning process for the previous route and cities have been busy laying the groundwork for future stations already.

With the new route, some station area plans will remain the same, such as those in Brooklyn Park where the route is expected to remain the same. In cities like Crystal and Robbinsdale where the change in route may be less significant, some parts of the previous station area plans can be preserved while others will need to be updated. In Minneapolis where the route options are entirely new, communities will have the opportunity to develop fresh visions for station areas.

View the previous plans

Page last updated: 14 Sep 2021, 08:25 AM